ASEAN Launches the 2nd Edition of the Handbook on ASEAN Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations
ASEAN , 04 November 2021

The ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection launched the 2nd edition of the Handbook on ASEAN Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations.
First released in 2018, the latest edition provides an update on the current progress of implementing the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan on Consumer Protection (ASAPCP) 2025. ASEAN’s goal under the ASAPCP is to build confident and informed consumers, able to make reasoned decisions and assert their rights, based on a common ASEAN consumer protection framework of supportive consumer protection regimes.
The handbook includes the completion of the ASEAN Consumer Empowerment Index 2020, which serves to benchmark the national level of consumer empowerment in each ASEAN Member State (AMS) against that of the region-wide level.
It also added updates on AMS consumer protection laws and regulations and redress schemes. It contains new chapters on consumer protection in E-Commerce; the interface between consumer protection and competition policies; sustainable consumption; and case studies from AMS on successful consumer protection advocacy efforts.
The handbook was updated with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, under the “Consumer Protection in ASEAN” (PROTECT) project.
The handbook is available to download here.