Home / Legislation / Policy Advisory No. 23-02 Series of 2023 (PA23-02) Re: Price Freeze Period Computations Upon the Declaration of A State of Calamity

Policy Advisory No. 23-02 Series of 2023 (PA23-02) Re: Price Freeze Period Computations Upon the Declaration of A State of Calamity

Philippines , 14 November 2023

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), through the Consumer Protection Group (CPG), Consumer Policy and Advocacy Bureau (CPAB), respectfully presents the enclosed Draft Policy Advisory (PA), which delves into the proper declaration, compliance, execution, implementation, and calculation of the price freeze period in various scenarios associated with the declaration of a state of calamity.

In times of calamity, it is crucial to ensure the protection of consumers from unwarranted price increases of basic necessities and prime commodities, exploitative practices, and illegal maneuvers. The effective implementation of the price freeze period plays a vital role in establishing a fair and just environment for both consumers and businesses.

The primary objective of this PA is to provide thorough guidance on determining the duration of the price freeze measures, considering the unique circumstances that arise during challenging situations. We firmly believe that by offering intricate direction, we can reinforce the understanding and compliance of all stakeholders. The CPAB is confident that the issuance of this PA will foster the development of a marketplace that is more equitable and transparent. Additionally, it will greatly enhance the level of guidance and awareness accessible to the public, as well as to the implementing units within the DTI, other government agencies, and Local Government Units (LGUs).