Home / Legislation / DTI – DA – DOE JAO 24-02: Revised Rules on Granting Special Discounts to Senior Citizens and Persons with Disability on Purchase of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities

DTI – DA – DOE JAO 24-02: Revised Rules on Granting Special Discounts to Senior Citizens and Persons with Disability on Purchase of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities

Philippines , 25 March 2024

DTI-DA-DOE JAO on Special Discounts for SC/PWDs - This JAO is an updated issuance stemming from JAO Nos. 17-01 and 17-02 on the Granting of Discounts to Senior Citizens (SCs) and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) on the Purchase of Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities (BNPCs) as directed by the Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Senior Citizens (SC), and Special Committee on Persons with Disabilities (PWD) of the House of Representatives (HOR) to increase the purchase cap on BNPC from PHP1,300 to PHP2,500 entitled to the 5% special discount, with subsequent adjustments scheduled every five (5) years to account for inflation.

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