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05 May1st ACCP - CAP ConsultationPlace: Virtual Conference | 2021
The first consultation between the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection with the AANZFTA Consumer Affairs Program I. The meeting is to discuss the progress and outlook of the CAP I project
03-04 May22nd ACCP and Related MeetingsPlace: Virtual Conference | 2021
Meeting to discuss upcoming and completed deliverables of the ACCP
20 AprVoluntary Peer Review PRT MeetingPlace: Virtual Conference | 2021
Meeting among the Peer Reviewing Team (PRT) on the progress and outlook of the Philippines voluntary peer review
16-17 MarACCP Virtual Workshop on the Assessment of Data on Product-related InjuriesPlace: Microsoft Teams | 2021
ACCP Virtual Workshop on the Assessment of Data on Product-related Injuries
23-25 FebAANZFTA CAP Online Consumer Law Investigations Training for CambodiaPlace: Virtual Conference | 2021
AANZFTA CAP Cambodia Bilateral Technical Cooperation Activity Online Consumer Law Investigations Training
18 NovUpgrading of the AANZFTA Negotiations (First Round)Place: Microsoft Teams | 2020
Upgrading of the AANZFTA Negotiations (First Round)