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08-11 AugTraining Workshop on Enhancing Capacity Building in Investigating and Handling e-Consumer DisputesPlace: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam | 2017
Training Workshop on Enhancing Capacity Building in Investigating and Handling e-Consumer Disputes
12-14 JulASEAN Consumer Empowerment Index WorkshopPlace: Jakarta, Indonesia | 2017
ASEAN Consumer Empowerment Index Workshop
19 May8th ACCP - USFTC Workshop on Consumer ProtectionPlace: Vientiane, Lao PDR | 2017
8th ACCP - USFTC Workshop on Consumer Protection. Funded by USFTC
16-18 May15th ACCP MeetingPlace: Vientiane, Lao PDR | 2017
15th ACCP Meeting
16-18 MayConsultations with Consumer AssociationsPlace: Vientiane, Lao PDR | 2017
Consultations with Consumer Associations
16-18 MayValidation Workshop on the ASEAN High Level Principles for Consumer ProtectionPlace: Vientiane, Lao PDR | 2017
Validation Workshop on the ASEAN High Level Principles for Consumer Protection